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How To Complete Paws Airdrop Mystery Quest To Earn +5000 Paws Token

How To Complete Paws Airdrop Mystery Quest

There is a new quest called Mystery Quest that is available on the Paws AirDrop task and requires a +5000 Paws token. 

Most people find it difficult to complete it. Now, we are going to share with you some easy steps that you need to follow to complete this mystery request on paws. 

Well before you proceed we have talked about this particular before so you can check out our review on paws airdrop right here which we have done intensive research about. 

Now we proceed to show you the method that you can use to complete the quest which is straightforward without any for that thing to be done. 

How To Complete Paws Airdrop Mystery Quest

  • To complete this quest or task that has been set and assigned by paws. 
  • Click here to navigate straight to the telegram mini-game. 
  • Which can also be tagged as the Paws telegram mini app. 
  • Then click on the end section that can be found between the menu that is listed as home leaders, votes, and friends. 
  • Under the end section click on Limited. 
  • Then you will see the mystery quest that can earn +5,000 paws. 
  • Once you get to the quest, drop your phone on a table. 
  • Then pick it up and slide the face upside down. 
  • Once you slide the face upside down, open the face of your phone again. 
  • Once you get this done then you should be provided with an option to claim the AirDrop task
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All you need to do now is to just click on the claim button and you should see this 5,000 pounds token available in your balance. 

Watch below video if you don’t still understand how to get it done.

That is just how to complete the paws mystery quest that has been set aside for paws AirDrop. 

The previous task is just a limited task that is available which expires sometime if you fail to carry them out. 

In this particular quest, they have just provided over 72 hours for their community to complete the quest on the Paws telegram mini-game so as to be eligible for the 5,000 plus extra points or tokens for paws. 

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Now there are also all the tasks that you can complete which is also available on the end section but in a different sub-menu. 

Just for example once you check the under-end section you will see Limited in-game and partner sections for different tasks that can fetch you rewards by completing each quest. 

So click on the in-game section, which provides tasks like study paws, joining paws Cult x, putting in your name, boosting the paws channel, connect wallet, inviting friends, and following channels. 

These are just the tasks that are available in the in-game second of the mini-app or game. 

Now once you click on the partner section you should also find other tasks like joining Blum channel which is one of the effects partners. 

Which day might still add some other now later that we now provide you with a task that you can join so as to add a few more paws to your balance? 

See also  How To Claim And Withdraw Your Grass Token From Airdrop


Have you been able to complete the mystery quest task that has been set aside for paws AirDrop? If so let us know in the comment section the kind of experience and were you wow after you were able to complete the quest. 

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