The Puzzle Durov Daily combo avatar cards will allow you to earn 5000 extra star coins on September 23 Major daily combos are now available.
Which comes with its unique combination to provide you with the rightful code and the right Avart cards in four to select so that you can increase your major star earnings by 5000+
As is what we always do we provide different daily combo cards for different telegram mini-games. Below is the puzzle Durov code and avatar card, which you can now use.
Major Avatar Combo For September 23 To Get 5000 Star Coins on Puzzle Durov Game
Like before, open the major mini game and select games from the menu list.
Navigate to Puzzle Durov and today’s combo cards or Paval Durov avatar face is provided below
The Code is 4-3-2-1 which you can also follow below illustrations to under how the combo cards placement works.

Come back and check for tomorrow’s combo avatar and code which we will always provide to be available as always.
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