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Ari Chain Airdrop Review – KYC Verification And Today’s Quiz Answers

Ari Chain Airdrop Review

There is this new wallet airdrop called the Ari chain wallet airdrop that you can use to gather more points that we would like to discuss.

Arichain’s airdrop is on, and most people might find it difficult to understand what this AirDrop is all about, which is why we came up with this post.

The Ari chain airdrop daily quiz is what most people have also been searching for, which we are going to look into on this post.

Likewise, people have been asking about the KYC verification process, which we are going to share on this post.

And it should contain a complete review of AirDrop, what you need to do, and if you need to lock in and gather more points before everything comes to an end.

Ari Chain Wallet Airdrop 

Ari chain wallet testnet airdrop is on, and it will say that you will get 50 $Ari tokens once you join the platform and you are here to participate with zero cost, which should be tagged as also zero course a drop.

And Ari wallet Testnet is said to be done in the Ari wallet app, which has officially been released for both Android and iOS users.

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The wallet contains some daily tasks that you will need to do, which is to complete some daily checking and also answer some daily quizzes just like what we have been doing on the xenea wallet airdrop.

It has been said that the developer has raised 10 million dollars, and the token generation event will take place in Q2 of this year, 2025.

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All you need to do is to start farming ARI using the ARI wallet app.

Then you should be rewarded once the t e g is on, that is if you are eligible for the AirDrop and And if you are one of the trusted and dedicated community members.

Now is the best time to use this airdrop called ARI to get $ARI tokens as a reward in the nearest future.

How To Participate In Ari Wallet Airdrop 

Yeah, there are just a few steps you need to follow to participate in this airdrop.

  • First, Goto the Play Store or App Store and search for Ari Wallet.
  • Likewise, you can just use these two links here: Iphone and here for Android.
  • Which you can use to download the app and proceed to the next step.
  • Click on testnet, which is still on.
  • Sign up using your email and set your password.
  • Use this 67d191b32352b as your ref code to get an extra 50 $ARI tokens.
  • Then, you will always need to complete a daily check and answer a daily quiz.

For the aspect of the daily quiz answer, you can always check this post for daily quiz Answer all for today’s ari wallet daily quiz answer which we are going to be making it present on this page With an updated question and answer.

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Ari Wallet Today’s Quiz Answer 

Just as always, what we do on a regular basis. We are going to be dropping Daily quiz answers for the ARI wallet quiz Task.

Always check back on this page for latest update on today’s quiz answers.

Ari Chain Wallet Today’s Quiz Answer 

 Today’s quiz and answer goes as follows. 

Ari Chain Wallet Today's Quiz Answer

Ari Chain KYC Verification 

The ari chain KYC verification is not on but we find out something people are doing which might have been how you can verify your KYC.

We are going to share the process with you which might be to send out some ARI token to a valid wallet address.

This might be the KYC verification process and if you do this you might as well be verified for KYC just by sending a token to the wallet we provide below.

As it is that you might need to send a token and add an address on your ari wallet app which is also one of the compulsory tasks for ari chain testnet airdrop.

It does not matter any amount of $Ari token you send, you can even send just 1 $ari token just to get things done.

And now is the best time to accumulate as many $ARI as you want. Let’s lock-in together.

How To Send Token On Ari Wallet

  • Once you’ve downloaded and signed up to ari wallet using the steps above.
  • On the home section, click on send.
  • Copy this wallet address ARW6PG9EdGfreoqNWUP9wy7z3zNeDgkQauXK2JeYQMCJu9u1MNV5G and paste it in the space provided for you to send the token to.
  • Enter the password and click on next to confirm the transactions.
  • Then you are good to go, you have just sent out some token.
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How To Send Token On Ari Wallet

You can also share these few steps with your friends to complete ari wallet KYC verification as well or others before the testnet ends.

Arichian KYC Verifcation Update

It is official that the KYC verification for the ARI chain wallet is on, and it does not show at the other end which we will explain everything to you soon

But you can still do this to see if you will see the KYC option on your Arichain account.

  • Visit to complete KYC 
  • Click on the menu button and sign in 
  • Click on KYC
  • Submit any ID you have available and do a liveness check

After you follow the steps we provide above and you did not the KYC option on your account.

It’s because you are not one of the ICO members who are available for the KYC verification.

For now, the KYC verification is available to ICO participants; there is no other form of update for it.

All you need to do is to wait for an official update that we allow everyone to complete there KYC.

How To Get Your Referral Code 

Ari wallet referral code used to be presented in this form 67d191b32352b. 

You can get yours once you open your ari wallet app on your phone. 

And you should have signed up on this page, click on the menu icon. 

The menu icon that is provided at the left right corner of the app. 

How To Get Your Referral Code 

Then you will see my referral code as stated below Copy the code and share it with your friend to gather more $Ari tokens as well. 


The ari wallet AirDrop is still on so you can participate right now and don’t miss out.

As we recommend, you should keep checking to see daily quizzes and more on this page as we keep updating it on a daily basis.

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