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All Time Farm Video Code Compiled By RCC

All Time Farm Video Code Compiled By RCC

These are the list of all time farm video codes that have officially been compiled by rocc referral Code Central. 

These are just normal video codes that have been used on major telegram mini games like memefi, tomarket, Blum, and so on. 

As we all know we have been providing you guys with all Blum video codes followed by academic codes. 

But now time Farm has now come with your own video code that you can use to complete their video task. 

In this post, we are going to break down the codes for you one after the other and share with you the codes that are available for each video with a particular title. 

Time Farm Task Breakdown 

Unknown if you are one of those people that are farming seconds on time Farm telegram mini game you should know there have been some specific task that involves joining other telegram mini games. 

And to perform some social task on Thai farms but now they have come with a particular task for you to watch a video on YouTube and extract the code that has been added to the video. 

Which we need to provide so as to serve as a reference that you have completed the video task. 

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Apart from those tasks when you get to earn a section under the time Farm telegram mini app. 

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You will see some particular tasks that involve stalking your already and seconds points you earn on time Farm mining of Farming app. 

Or visiting their store so as to provide some maximum efficiency for your mining. 

Likewise performing the oracle of time question and answer that we have been providing time Farm oracle of time answer on a daily basis before on our telegram AirDrop channel. 

You can check out these tasks and see how they work if you have been farming time Farm before. 

But now we are here to provide you with all time Farm video codes one after the order. 

Just like all tapswap codes that we have provide you guys before.

And after we provide the codes we are going to show you how you can implement them or you should get to know that yourself because all video is provided on that tasks section. 

TimeFarm Video Codes (All Codes) 

These are just the codes that we have been able to compile so far you can proceed to check the title of each video and the codes are provided below each title of every video. 

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How To Implement Time Farm Video Code

  1. To implement the Time Farm video code click here to visit the mini game or bot. 
  2. Once you get to the bot click on the start button and click on open app to open the mini app. 
  3. Now you will be navigating trade to the main dashboard which is the home section of the time Farm farming app. 
  4. Then to start the minor you will need to click on start for it to start farming seconds. 
  5. Then to see the place where you can implement the video codes you need to click on tasks from the list of the menu. 
  6. From the list of the task you will see every video that is available there which once you perform it you will end additional 10,000 seconds to your balance.. 
  7. Click on the start button provided beside each video. 
  8. After you successfully watch the videos completely then go back and provide the codes that we list above. 
  9. You will see a space that you will provide the code as an answer to. 
  10. Check the title of the video, copy the code above and paste it in the place provided for it. 
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After that you can now click on check the answer to complete that particular task that we earn 100,000 seconds more added to your balance. 

Once you get them, That is how to implement time Farm video code. 

Video Guide

And we will keep updating this post with the latest video codes that you will need to keep coming back and checking for any latest code that is available for any video tags on time Farm. 

This post has now come to an end where we also have some other codes for other projects which you can also check them out on a daily basis so as to use them to complete any AirDrop or telegram mini AirDrop task. 

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