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Clickatm legit or a scam? MakeMoney11 2.0 Rcc Finance Review 

Clickatm legit or a scam

There is this new platform or app called Clickatm, which is said to have a platform called Makemoney11 that promises to allow people to make money online. That is one of the reasons we’ve come up with this review

That is if Clickatm is legit or a scam online money-making platform. 

They’ve called this platform makemore11 2.0 because it seems to be the same platform that operated earlier. Well, we knew the domain or URL. 

This review will comprise what we need to know about clickATM and how they plan to help people make money online or end with their platform. 

Clickatm Brief Review 

ClickATM is also related to make money 11 which if you want those people who have operated with make money online before then you should know you are still on the same platform with different branding and others. 

They have come up with another dimension: they want people to perform specific tags to earn money online. 

Their new domain or URL is known as and they have been calling this same platform make money 11 2.0 which is version 2 aspects of the same platform. 

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Since it’s related to finance and is related to what can make you money online as proof we have come to make this review available to you and share with you what you need to know about the platform if you choose to join or not. 

The most important part of the platform is legit or just a scam platform that wishes to operate for a few days. 

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When we talk about making money online platforms that work for a few days, weeks, or months you should understand. 

And if you don’t understand, you should know right now that there are online money-making platforms out there that will pay their members for some months and we shut down after they have eaten their target. 

We are here to let you know if click ATM is also one of those platforms or not. 

How To Make Money On Clickatm

ClickATM I’ve seen allows you to make money on their platform in some different categories. 

Which is by performing some certain tax you will get to get more details about them soon and also invite your friends that can earn you commissions. 

They also have some other ways that you can use to earn on this platform by performing daily checking once you log into your clickATM account. 

And also through spinning wheels, I stated all on their official website or app. 

How To Earn By Performing Tasks

One of the main tasks that click ATM allows their user to perform is by doing some WhatsApp tasks. 

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That is you will create a group add a different number to the group and get to copy the group link and paste it on their platform for approval. 

You will get to understand more about this task once you navigate through their website yourself. 

Apart from creating a WhatsApp group link and sharing it on your platform, you can also copy an existing WhatsApp group link to their website. 

Clickatm legit or a scam

And proceed to wait for approval which is one of the following tasks that you can use to earn on clickATM. 

How To Earn More Through Clickatm

As we said earlier you can earn more by clicking at an ATM by referring your friends which we earn a 20% commission of any amount you have a referral earned. 

And you can also end through daily checking tasks and spinning the wheel. 

Now is the best time for you to navigate through the website. 

How To Join Clickatm

It’s very easy to access a click ATM and all you need to do is to go to your browser. 

Then type the following domain/URL and visit. 

That should be done on your mobile device then you can decide to create an account with them and we Grant you 50 gold as a registration bonus. 

You can now start performing as it was stipulated above. 

Clickatm Withdrawal Limit 

The payment on the click ATM is recorded according to any amount of gold coins you have and withdrawal is based on some certain amount which is the minimum withdrawal is 2,000 gold. 

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So if you have performed some certain tax on the platform and you have reached the minimum withdrawal then you can now provide your bank account details and submit to receive your money straight to your account. 

Is Clickatm Legit or a scam? 

Now we have got to the main expert of this post which is to know if clickATM is legit or a scam platform. 

Yes, you might have seen different kinds of withdrawals from this platform called clickATM which is majorly because they are new. 

It might seem like a free way to make money online but it’s not actually free, the task that they are triggering you to perform on a daily basis is to upload a WhatsApp group link. 

Are majorly being used for something that is related to scams. 

From my own experience, they are gathering different kinds of group information relating to WhatsApp contact and using the group relation to perform a scam which I myself might have experienced some time ago. 

You might think you want to take clickATM as a new way to make money online by performing just this WhatsApp task. 

Video Review

But you should also think further about what is behind it if you reason why these people are allowing you to submit a WhatsApp group link. 

If not for scams or trying to gather people’s data to use for some unknown purpose then why are they requesting members to submit group links on a daily basis just to earn a few pennies. 

After reading this review or watching our video about this platform, it’s up to you to decide if you will join this platform and keep performing tax and exposing your WhatsApp contacts list to either threats or danger. 

In our own words, clickATM might be a pain but the platform does not look clean. 

Is better to keep off from such platforms and respect your privacy. 

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